Supporting Physicians and Medical

Professionals in Building A Proven

New Model of Healthcare That Is

Outcome-Driven, Affordable,

Sustainable, Profitable and

Desperately Needed to Help Patients

Restore and Regenerate Health


The vision is real. You really can see half the patients while earning more income, without dealing with insurance, bureaucracy or red tape, in a business model that enables getting paid faster and empowers practicing life-changing medicine vs. simply covering up problems.

How do we know? We’ve proven the business model both in our own practices and then for more than 100 of our client’s practices around the world. They are now enjoying new levels of satisfaction, income, impact and independence through this unique approach that is redefining the way in which healthcare can be delivered.

In Two Minutes, You’ll Know Exactly The Challenges That Your Business is Facing To Build A Successful Cash Practice.

Discover how you can address the root cause of your business problem, create an impact, and drive profitability!

  • Discover which of the 6 Educational paths are right for you

  • Receive a step-by-step guide as to how you should be solving your business problems

  • Claim your FREE Integrated Cash Practice Success Call, along with resources and templates designed to let you get the most out of your cash based practice



We have invested millions into designing, implementing and refining this model and want to succeed with you – the independent thinker who wants to create a medical practice that’s focused on delivering remarkable outcomes. This is about building a practice dedicated to changing the lives of the patients and community you serve while fully honoring your wants and needs.

As medical professionals it’s critical to be skeptical about one-trick marketing, sales and medical consultants that don’t know cash practice healthcare or only know the insurance and compliance world. They will leave you continually searching for answers to build a profitable practice that is filled with your ideal patients. Not only will you have lost money, you will become even more skeptical and isolated. I don’t recommend taking this journey alone. We didn’t, because it takes a coach who has done exactly what you’re attempting to do, a team and a community.

It was not easy building and scaling to a 28,000 sq. feet Integrated Health Center and licensing our model around the world. We had a couple nearly catastrophic failures in learning how to make a profitable model that we consider an operational flagship that demonstrates what we believe is the new reality of sustainable healthcare. In 2015, we lost our insurance contracts because we practiced regenerative and functional medicine. It was a time I would not like to relive; however we wouldn’t have become what we did without that blessing in disguise.

In 2019, Rejuv Medical won two Regenexx awards for the top volume stem cell clinic and highest volume per capita in a small community in Minnesota. I had my fun working and sacrificing nearly everything for over a decade to be able to be at a place where I could sell my brick and mortar shares and just have one focus. The mission of helping frustrated medical professionals ethically attract and convert cash paying patients while building a profitable practice that matters.

That’s why we broke down every system, process and protocol – so physicians, practitioners and health professionals like you can become the influential leaders in your communities and beyond.

HealthOvators teaches you the structure to build a 7-Figure PLUS cash practice using “The 5 Pillars of Practice Success Coaching Academy”.

To have a real impact and to grow your reach you need the structure to be seen, read, heard and found on any platform. Being the “best kept secret” in your community is hurting you and those who are desperate for a potential solution like yours.

If you are established yet not making the income you deserve or what you would have made inside a conventional system, it can be incredibly frustrating. The skills that got your practice to where you are now won’t take you to a place where you make more money without an even greater workload. It’s going to take a deep understanding of leadership, patient attraction, conversion, predictable, consistent and efficient operations, patient retention and passive income creation.

All of this WITHOUT you having to be involved 24/7.

HealthOvators supports medical professionals by giving them a tried and true healthcare model that is:

Outcome driven.




And desperately needed to help patients reverse chronic disease and pain.

Most importantly when you join us at HealthOvators you will gain community, courage, capabilities and business confidence without judgment. NO EGO’s here. None of us have the skills and abilities to change healthcare on our own, otherwise it would have happened by now. That is why we need a community of HealthOvators who are committed to becoming what we were born to be.

We understand the importance of trust in transformation so if you’re just landing here please don’t buy anything. We seek to earn your trust and will not promise you any results because those are dependent on you for sustainable success. My promise is to give you the tried and true methods that have worked for years and those next-level digital and tech hacks that are relevant right now. We promise to share the wins and struggles because you’re going to face both at times.


The Influential Doctor is the marketing and sales playbook for physicians and wellness professionals who want to make a greater impact and increase their income through cash-pay services and recurring income models.

Your mission shall you choose to accept is to keep reading and learning from the numerous resources we will provide so you learn what other HealthOvators just like you have done to gain their independence.

If you’re ready to have me take a look under your hood and identity your best-next move regarding your Attraction, Conversion, Operational and Retention systems click below for a complementary examination.

Committed to Transformational Care,

JR Burgess, M.S. CEO

Former CEO of Rejuv Medical and CEO of HealthOvators

Every Applicant Will Also Receive A Copy of The Best Selling Book, Cash Practice Success By JR Burgess


Winner of the 2017 Regenerative Business of The Year Award!

"If you’ve practiced for any length of time, you have been witness to the lack of emphasis we have been putting on “health” in the current health care system. It has become a system where every ill is “treated” with a pill. This approach is obviously not working as far as I can tell by the amount of sick and overweight patients limping into my office each day. It is not working for the patients, and certainly is not working for the providers who attempt to deliver healthcare in what has become a sick care maintenance system.

Like many of my colleagues, I was becoming increasingly frustrated in my practice, as I tried to bridge the ever-expanding gap for patients between sickness and true health. Not an earth-shattering concept, I determined the missing piece to be a systematic and complementary exercise and nutrition program that could address the necessary lifestyle changes for the patient or client.

Many of us already know this is a mandatory foundation upon which to build our treatment plans if we’re in the arena of Sports, Functional, Regenerative, or Anti-Aging Medicine. The problem I faced was that I did not know how to construct such a program, as this is not something that I learned in my training. And, it definitely is not something routinely delivered in healthcare, no matter what the specialty.

They’ve created the done-for-you systems to implement, the marketing to grow it, and the ongoing support to tailor the program to suit the needs of your specific practice type and location. It will save you hundreds, if not thousands, of man-hours trying to construct anything close. In my opinion, this is the future of healthcare. Do not get left behind.”

Jonathan Tait, D.O.

Tucson, AZ

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P: (218) 831-8080 F: (320) 217-8490

1119 Mill Creek Cir, St. Cloud MN, 56303