The 5 Pillars of Practice Success

Coaching Academy

Designed for you and your team to 10X your Action, Thinking, Marketing, Cash Paying Patients & Systems While Saving You Thousands of Hours in the Process.


The 5 Pillars of Practice Success Coaching Academy allows our team and advisor group the most affordable way possible to work with you and your team over a 12-month period. It’s our guarantee you can’t find a more affordable, comprehensive and effectively coached program in cash medicine.

In most coaching programs or masterminds, you up level your business mindset while getting a coaching strategy, but you don’t get the entire practice solution. With “The 5 Pillars of Practice Success you will get the complete system that is used to currently operate one of the largest integrated health centers in the world.

Not just this, you’ll also gain the motivation, mindset, accountability, and support systems that will help you put everything into action, so you’ll start seeing growth within your practice as soon as you implement the “Fastest Path to Cash Formula.”

You and your team will gain all wisdom, insight, training and resources through our 5 Pillars Curriculum, Documents, Video Library, Community and Coaching Calls.

In the years past this was only available for our mastermind members who were paying a minimum of 18K a year. The HealthOvators program has been a complete game changer when it comes to helping you gain your independence while working towards the mission of redefining healthcare.

We’re looking forward to seeing you on the inside.

The 5 Pillars of Practice Success:

Providing You With the Infrastructure Needed To Transform Your Business, Health, and Wealth.

The 5 Pillars Platform provides you with a proven process designed to help your team learn and quickly implement strategies to explode your income, impact, and give you the independence you deserve.

Inside you’ll find..

  • A “consume at your pace” video series that allows you to effectively implement “The 5 Pillars of Practice Success” without sacrificing patient hours.

  • Gold Nuggets and hours of wisdom that will give you the confidence to confront any issues and questions that arise when it comes to operating, managing, and marketing your practice.

  • A training solution that will engage your departments and have them looking for opportunities to perform at a higher level.

  • A vast library of documents, templates, and resources for you to “tweak” to your needs saving you endless hours of unnecessary grunt work.

Accountability Calls Two Times A Month

Having the HealthOvators team at your disposal to help solve your most pressing problems will be the difference maker as it’s hard to see inside your own picture frame and a look from the outside from a team who has been there and seen it all.

In addition, accountability for implementing the strategies in 5 Pillars is even more crucial for your momentum and success.

  • 5 Pillar members are encouraged to participate in our “Hot Seats” to sharpen their scripts and dial-in the conversion skills necessary to grow your practice.

  • Can’t make it to the “Hot Seats”? No problem. Just email your questions directly to us so we can answer them live. Replays are made available shortly after for you to review.

  • After the session is complete, you’ll have the opportunity to further practice these scripts and systems with other HealthOvators Members. This will increase your efficiency, competency, and overall success. Practice matters!!!

The 5 Pillars of Practice Success:


We start with the end in mind – your vision, along with the strategic systems, structure and exact steps based on your unique capabilities and strengths to reach it, engage rapid momentum.

This is the time to create the specific goals and success milestones for a practice that fills you at your core and allows you to do what you do best while having the freedom to practice how and when you want. Having a clear destination and knowing the exact steps to get there in the shortest possible time is essential; we strategize on your most rapid path to success.

In this Pillar, you’ll learn, see and create:

  • Your Customized Integrated Practice Success Blueprint, Vision and Action Plan with your best next move so there is no guesswork on what takes priority. You will never have to think about what the next step is; rather, only implement the next action step in the plan for accelerated success.

  • Structuring and communicating your vision, core values and strategic plan so you can develop a high-performing team within a culture comprised of strong communication, accountability and execution.

  • Personality and action-taking behavior testing so you can recruit, hire, develop and retain the right team based on your core values, unique ability, strengths and weaknesses. This means you have the right people in the places to build a championship team for maximum practice success.

  • Personal Mindset Breakthrough Trainings to overcome any fears about how to have difficult conversations, offering cash services or charging higher fees so you can talk about the money effortlessly.

  • Implementation Labs designed to eliminate your insecurities and instill unwavering confidence in yourself and your leadership and coaching.

  • Time saving and productivity hacks to maximize focus, energy and implementation so you can get more done in less time, allowing you to have the work life balance you deserve.


Organized systems, core process, and accurate data are vital to running a successful practice. Can your practice maintain productivity without a key team member?

To scale and grow a practice that frees you up to do what you do best, you will need repeatable processes that allow each team member to operate at maximum efficiency. The right team members in the right roles is essential for you to have personal freedom to practice how and when you want.

In this Pillar, you’ll learn, see and create:

  • How to implement our Personnel Playbook designed to help you hire, develop, incentivize, retain and grow a championship team so you can scale to make more profits without relying only on your time in the room.

  • Model our Entrepreneurial Scorecard and Key Performance Indicator Metrics Dashboard to measure immediately how your practice is performing. This will allow you to take all the emotion out of running your practice, so you can make objective decisions as well as measure and manage individual performance. The format allows for all team members to maintain focus on the important metrics, processes and action plans that ensure success.

  • Armed with our structured meetings format that eliminates micro-managing and difficult conversations while maximizing communication, accountability and execution of business goals and targets.

  • Turn-key core processes, job descriptions, policy and procedure manuals, billing, coding and cash-pay pricing guides, so you don’t have to create anything or spend your time reinventing the wheel. When your team is following our systemized and proven processes, you can focus your time on communicating your message, creating relationships, and seeing patients.


Marketing and Sales protocols are the most critical factors in helping you create the most impact in cash care! We will show you how to out-market and out-position your competitors and double (or even triple) your cash income in the next 12 months by building your authority brand and packaging your unique branded protocol to match what your prospective patients are seeking.

Next, we will work on the structure of your simple lead offer, protocol book and show you how to structure your email and digital marketing, so you never have to stress about where you’re going to get your next lead or patient from. If you are like most medical professionals, you hate the idea of selling.

We have our “Selling Without Selling Solution” that is loaded with done-for-you presentations and patient journey templates that nurture, attract and convert cash-paying patients who are seeking minimally invasive alternatives to drugs and surgery as the first-line treatment.

In this Pillar, you’ll learn, see and create:

  • Create a customized Practice Success Marketing Blueprint, Brand Guide and Marketing Calendar with metrics-tracking worksheets so that you know how all your marketing and sales efforts are performing.

  • Rebrand and implement our done-for-you marketing campaigns that have allowed us to see more than 10,000 cash-paying patients in the last ten years, so you can practice the medicine that will have the greatest benefit to your patients.

  • How to use our Selling Without Selling Solution so you never have to talk about money with your patients and yet, have the ability to enroll them into your transformational treatment plans that will change their lives.

  • Our training, resource guides and connections will give your team the training to fully execute the four main marketing funnels. Also, you will receive guidance to externally hire, implement and consistently execute your Marketing Blueprint and Calendar so you are not in doubt of what you need to do or say to attract and convert your ideal patients.

  • How to leverage patient testimonials that allow your best patrons to become self-generating referral activists who can no longer allow you to be the best-kept secret in your area.

  • How to create a deeper impact with the right prospects instead of diluting your message by trying to speak to everyone so you can invest more money in fewer places and see faster results (vs. spreading a little around all over the place and seeing minimal results).


It's our belief that healthcare absent of exercise, nutrition and lifestyle modification as the first-line treatment is not healthcare rather sick-care.

Our medical fitness program has allowed us to provide leading patient outcomes while being our main differentiator in growing our integrated cash practice.

In this Pillar, you’ll learn, see and create:

  • ​How to successfully launch an online or offline ancillary revenue source that has the most attainable marketing entry point.

  • Have a team that is on fire to show up to work each day motivated and ambitious to work in a healthcare facility that is changing lives daily.

  • Create a practice that is a solution to fixing the chronic disease and pain management crisis so you can feel great about practicing medicine that is truly changing lives.

  • Done-for-you educational PowerPoint presentations, videos and health and nutrition resources, such as our cookbooks and meal plans, for you to rebrand so you provide your patients with the life-changing tools they need.

  • By having a proven and marketable weight loss program, you can consistently attract new and highly motivated patients within the practice.

  • Stay a step ahead of the competition by being the first in your area in the medical fitness market. Differentiation is essential in a competitive marketplace.


As a medical professional or wellness practice owner, if your business model is seeing patients 1:1, there is a hard cap on both your income and impact in the world. I know you care deeply about changing as many lives as possible and you also want to charge what you’re worth, but that's pretty much impossible without passive income.

The method we use in our Integration Pillar focuses on building and automating your practice to produce income and outcomes without depending solely on your time in the room. Whether it's having multiple providers, team members or a system providing the care you are not needed for, you have options to integrate new systems that provide quality information and care to your patients.

In this Pillar, you’ll learn, see and create:

  • Integrated practices often run in silos. We have created communication platforms and systems that allow a consistent and integrated patient experience, so you retain patients and provide unmatched outcomes.

  • Medical Chart Templates, treatment plans, patient infographics and communication tools so you can educate and enroll patients into all the integrated services that allow for maximum profitability and successful patient outcomes.

  • Time-saving technology hacks that enable you to create systems that operate automatically so you can operate a lean, efficient and profitable clinic.

  • Automated lead nurturing system that is effective for you and at a fraction of the cost of having a person to manage all your leads.

  • Our Resources Partner Guide of all our vendors, contractors, and suppliers at discounted rates so you can immediately save time and money that can be better spent towards marketing, hiring key team members or improving your bottom line.

We've been right where you are and developed this program so you don’t have to spend years focused on figuring out how to create a successful practice or spend hundreds of thousands of dollars while struggling to achieve success. We’ve done it all so you don’t have to… we’re here to help you achieve success faster and easier than it took us to do it.

There is no better time that now as the world is waking up to the fact that the healthcare system is broken.

However, if you don’t do something different, you will get what you have always gotten.

Beyond that, picture what you would like your life and practice to look like 12 months from now.

Are you happier? Do you feel more fulfilled? Are your patients getting great results? Are your employees motivated to help patients get great results? Are you constantly attracting your ideal patients who are waiting to working with you? Are you spending your time and energy the way you want? Are you practicing medicine the way you want? Is your practice as profitable as you want? Do you want to spend more time with your family?

That vision you have in your mind right now, that’s what I want to offer you when we work together. The contrast between the vision you now hold in your mind and what exists today is that you don’t know what you don’t know.

We will take you from where you are now to where you want to go with your practice and lifestyle.

We help people just like you go from struggling and not knowing what your next move is to feeling capable and confident…to go from breakeven to highly profitable, from good to great. It’s happening for others… and now it’s your turn.

It’s time to step-up, upgrade your mindset, become a great leader, put new systems, delegate the work you have no business doing, and grow a thriving practice that matters.

The good news is that there are proven steps you can take; the better news is that you don’t have to do it alone. The best news is this is the most proven integrated health program available.

We know people have been burned before on expensive programs and all the great promises. Being skeptical is understandable.

In fact, we’ve been there too – we’ve been left poorly by others more than a couple times. That is why we want to ensure you get this life-changing training while taking away the risk for you.

We believe you can’t afford to wait to figure out how to make a cash model successful. Too many great medical professionals are failing as independent practitioners and the cost of not figuring it out is too high.

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed or We Will Refund You at Any Point!

These resources we compiled in our practice cost us more than $1,000,000 to create. This is our life’s work. Pablo Picasso said, “The meaning of life is to find your purpose and give it away.”

However, no pay means no pay attention, so I need your commitment!!!

If you have read this far, it’s because you know you can change lives. You were born to make a difference.

Don’t let fear hold you back. Don’t let money hold you back. Don’t let skeptics hold you back. Don’t let lack of priority and clarity hold you back from your purpose in this world.

Sometimes—and just maybe sometimes—your excuse not to do something is the very reason you need to do it. As a medical professional, you’re smart enough to know that if you don’t do something differently, expecting a different result would be foolish. So, if you don’t have the money, time, or know-how, that’s exactly the reason you hire a coach for help. It’s hypocritical to ask a patient to invest in your life-changing services if you’re not investing in your own progress and impact. The reason we believe you can do this is because we have done it. We were not marketers. We had a bleeding heart to help people just like you. And because of that, we have helped hundreds of health and wellness professionals and practices do it without all the painful mistakes we have already made.


  • Documents Library that Includes the Marketing, Operations, and Integrative Medicine Protocols and Systems We Use to Build, Run, and Grow Our Practices

  • 60+ Hours of Video Education Teaching You and Your Team

  • Twice a Month Group Coaching, Accountability Calls, and Private Community Facebook Group

  • Vendor Discounts and Group Purchasing Opportunities

  • 5-1/2 Day Live Webinars on the 5 Pillars of Practice Success

  • 1 Strategy & On-Boarding Call

  • Podcast or Live Video Endorsement Interview

Full 100% Money Back Guarantee at Any time.

© 2024 Healthovators. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication or publication of any materials from this site is expressly prohibited.

Contact Us
[email protected]

P: (218) 831-8080 F: (320) 217-8490

1119 Mill Creek Cir, St. Cloud MN, 56303